To Plasma and Beyond

Bullshit that takes you nowhere

Menjelang sore hari rabu kemarin, seperti biasanya ngecek di conf room yahoo messenger kalau-kalau ada janjian jalan bareng anak-anak. Ada juga ternyata janjian buat ketemuan di Plasma buat nonton Van Helsing. So, Van Helsing it was! I cut all the craps and excuse myself from the conference and headed straight to Plasma. I would not spend another hour talking about whether all my friends were really going to make it (which later I found proven).

Begitu tahu ada janjian mo nonton, buru-buru gw cabs bareng teman kantor yang mo pergi ke arah Gambir. Semangat, semangat! Mesti mata perih di atas boncengan, akhirnya sampe juga ke Sudirman. Dari situ rencananya mo naik busway yang merah dan dingin itu. Tapi tangga penyeberangan yang jauhnya gak kira-kira itu bikin plan A gak jadi dilaksanakan. Tambahan lagi, males banget bayar nopekgo cuma buat sampe Semanggi, udah gitu kemungkinan dapet tempat duduk is nearly zero. Akhirnya naik kendaraan rakyat Pasar Minggu aja deh Metromini S 604 yang langsung bisa distop di trotoar dan ongkosnya cuma cengnopek doang.

Plaza Semanggi ... 45 minutes later

Akhirnya gw berandai-andai coba tadi gw naik busway aja. Macet gak kira-kira ternyata antara Bunderan HI sampe Semanggi. Berhubung kalo ni kaki dibawa jalan bakalan mencak-mencak protes, akhirnya dibela-belain duduk di dalam Metromini sambil menikmati macetnya jalan Sudirman sambil dalam hari bersyukur kalo kejadian begini gak mesti tiap hari gw alami. Setidaknya karena gw nggak setiap hari lewat Sudirman (dan mengalami macet di dua daerah biang macet sejakarta: Senen dan Pasar Minggu). Pas nyampe juga di Plasma, pantat ini rasa berteriak-teriak kegirangan terlepas dari bangku mika metromini yang panasnya mungkin bikin beberapa juta sel sperma mati.

Di pelataran plaza ini gw termangu. Mesti lewat mana. Dengan semangat sotoy, langsung aja muter sambil tengok-tengok macam orang kampung yang tak pernah lihat yang gedung macam tu. Kafe yang di teras kayaknya enak juga. Bisa juga jadi kandidat tempat buat nongkrong KALO UDAH BOSEN di Tokyo Lobby Citos. Sayangnya syarat satu lagi tidak terpenuhi: mesti bisa ditongkrongin minimal sampe jam satu malem. Akhirnya menemukan pintu masuk, entah satu dari berapa pintu masuk yang tersedia. Bioskopnya di mana yah? Nanya lah! Jangan sotoy! Kata pak Satpam, teater 21 ada di lantai Lima. Inget tuh! Jadi nanti gak perlu sotoy dan gak perlu lagi nanya ke Satpam.

Rencana langsung naik ke lantai 5 sedikit terganggu oleh banyaknya banner BreadTalk di mana-mana. Follow this sign, follow this sign ... It was like being in some childhood game when you're supposed to follow the an initial clue which leads you to other clues one after another, and eventually gets you to the final point. That place where the secret treasure box awaits. BreadTalk!

Better make yourself to look as if you're working. People are watching!

Separated only by transparent glass walls, I could see those breadmakers worked in their white uniform and tall white chef hats molding, garnishing, and baking the dough. From the managerial point of view, putting employees behind those glasses, beside giving passers-by something to look at for an amusement, might reduce the cost to pay supervisors to control them.

Apa gw mesti kerja di balik kaca transparan seperti itu supaya orang banyak yang jadi langsung supervisor gw, menahan kehendak hati untuk browsing, chatting, dan donlot mp3? Better not give ideas to my boss's head. I hate being watched while I'm working. Perhaps it's not that I don't like being watched, but I guess I like it better to work when I don't have too many people around to judge my half-finished work. Again, perhaps, I might not like raw criticism. Well dear readers, I'm sorry for any inconvenience that might rise in the future when your bosses decide to redesign the offices and change those solid wood cubicles and brick walls into transparent glasses. By then, I'll be sipping fruit punch under the tropical sun somewhere in the Pacific.

The display that was an entertainment for my senses and my logic

Something from You've Got Mail that I like to ponder. Starbucks is a place where they let you make six decisions over a paper cup of coffee. That evening, in front of the brighly illuminated shelves of glass displaying an orderly array of breads of various types, I let my five senses try the best to help me which of those bread would be my dinner. That idea of making decisions gave a little bit of glimpse of being powerful. After fifteen minutes of careful consideration, I got to to the final decision. Sorry I can not list them here, because even the exotic names soon were forgotten the instance I took my first bite of those rolls and cakes. No one would tell it to my face that they didn't like what I'd chosen to pick. Well probably the cashier ... she might think why this guy din't spend more.

The only man that evil fears

Turn out, only one of my friends made it to the theatre. Leman, apparently had been waiting there for a couple of minutes. Oh yeah ... one thing, IT"S NOT A DATE. I repeat, IT'S NOT A DATE. After standing in line for tickets for almost fifteen minutes, finally we got ours, normal rate, no "buy 1 get 1" clear card thing. Phew, I wish we could get it and saved half of the money.

Now, if you're looking for some serious thriller actions and horror-adventuresome movie, Van Helsing is for you. Forget Kill Bill 2. You might think that it's as cool as the prequel. But to save you from further disappointment, believe me, it's not. You'd only find some long boring dialogues, much less samurai actions, and the ending that's far below your expectations. So do like I did, and spend your money for Van Helsing instead. If you insist to see Kill Bill 2, don't watch it in the theatre.

Although in Van Helsing you can see a reunion of the most hideous troublesome monsters of the world, you'd better expect less goosebumps because Jelangkung is far much spookier. (The thing of this film that reminds me of old Indonesian horror movies is the high pitch giggling of the dracula brides which sounds very much like kuntilanak's.) But still you should be prepared for countless surprises that will make you jump out of your seat (or, at least, hit your buddy next to you. Sorry, man). Set a couple of years ago, this film offers amuses you with some unlikely gadget that naturally didn't exist at that time like the digital map in the basement of St Peter's Church in Vatican. Ah, what the heck. What makes me wonder even more is how the gypsy she-warrior Anna Valerious still looks damned sexy and sensuous even after she is beaten down by the last of the three Dracula brides.

I was thinking of a more romantic ending, where Frankenstein's monster gave up his life essence to Anna to bring her back to life and let her fight side by side with Van Helsing. marry him and give him a bunch of Van Helsing juniors. I was wrong.

Stop fooling around you wise guy!

To conclude my night, I got this foolish experience with a hardheaded dork, a tukang ojek who thinks he knows where's he heading to. Actually all these shouldn't have taken place if only he had admited that he was not familiar with the streets and asked me politely for the right direction. After zigzagging against the traffic near Pasar Minggu market, he hit the gas pedal so hard that it was almost too late for me to realize that this wise guy almost took me to the deep of unknown land. "Bang tahu nggak sih Komplek Pertanian dimana?" With that "I'm a newcomer to this area but this fellow might not know it" look, he blurted "Iya tahu, sebelah sana 'kan?" pointing to Stasiun Pasar Minggu, some 120 degrees deviation from the correct point. "Elo mo bikin gw nyasar trus bayar elu sepuluh ribu? Apalin jalan dulu sana."Keluar juga Medan gw akhirnya ngeliat orang sotoy kayak begini.


leman said…
hahahahahaha...Umar..are u sure that's not a date..? kakakakakakakakak...kebayang ga sih mar dipikiran orang, dimana yg ngantri berdua itu pasangan sedangkan kita...hahahahahahaha...btw, next movie apa nih , Mar...?

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