My VB First Code (cont'd): At last I found some light

Make it run
The target is to be able to make a number of simultant connections to airline host. First thing first, I have to run at least one connection.

Make it right
To achieve this I have make variable activeTerm local. I have to modify some lines to achieve locality of variable activeTerm. Then I altered QTermUTS.cfg, configuring two terminals. In this step, I also found out that previous errors were mostly due to my mistake in writing the terminal index. Index 0 to n in VB corresponds to terminal 1 to n+1 but I missed this concept in the first time. So I corrected the errors in the configuration file and in the class file.
The result is, I could run two executables in the same time, simulating two different connections, without one interfering another. A significant progress. When I get other PIDs, I can test the application making more than two connections thus testing the scalability of QTermAdapter.

Make it fast
The result shows that although I can run simultant connections by simulating terminal switching, the response is slower than the single-connection version of my code. I haven't done something about this but in a way I think that the switching mechanism could be simplified, by ommiting some inefficient steps.


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