The media adores newsmakers and needs lots of them

Tadi pagi, sambil nungguin Crayon Shinchan, gw nyetel TV dan *sigh* terpaksa menonton gosip-gosip di Celebrity Update di TPI.

Trenyuh juga ngeliat si mantan bintang iklan "Xonce-nya mana?" Elma Theana yang ditodong buka-bukaan tentang masalah rumah tangganya. Well, what do you know about celebrities? Today they may throw a half-billion-rupiah wedding party with a lot of "I love you, sweetheart"s and the next day they throw chinawares and silverwares in a big fight with a lot of "I want a divorce"s in the air.

Of course, they are not so proud of what they're doing that they want to open up and say "Look at me. My marriage is in turmoil" or "Well, here I am. Single and pregnant" or "I'm cheating on my wife". Yet the whole world knows everything in the instance that they try to hide a skeleton in their closet.

That really got me into thinking "does the press have so much pressure?" Does it have the control over celebrities? Why does it seem to be the omnipotent hand that rocks the cradle in which celebrities live?

There's gotta be something wrong with this. In this fierce dog-eat-dog competition among thousands of gossip shows aired in on TV channels and uncounted celebrities columns printed in tabloids, national, regional, or local, the press, in my opinion, make use a very brilliant idea: create stories, lots of them. No news is bad news, bad news is good news, good news is great news.

When a media needs a coverage to meet a tight deadline and there's no news around, it could sow some seeds. So, in any infotainment program and article, you could easily find, "It's been widely rumored that you're seeing someone. Is that true? Whether the answer is yes or no, what the star say would be a news worth published. Even a single "no comment" line could be elaborated into four tabloid pages.

Desy Ratnasari Say "No Comment" about her relationship.
Senior Reporter admit: We got a huge archive of "no comments"
The chronology: Minute per minute coverage before the "no comment"
What our loyal readers say about Desy's "no comment"
We ask a sound-engineer and a psychologist: what's behind Desy's low-pitched "no comment"
The complete list: when and where Desy said "no comment"
Madam Psychic say: I see a lot of "no comment"s in the crystal ball.
Will "no comment" be a trend next year?

The media adores newsmakers and searches high and low to find them. And unlike diamonds, newsmakers can be made.

While those so-called celebrities try to escape from any media coverage, I find my own way to tell the world what's on my mind and feel a glimpse of fame: blogging.

Bonus: Learn to decode infotainment programs

Wei yang bener aja ... kita masing-masing udah punya pacar, lagi!
Yah liat aja nanti ... kalo dijodoh-jodohin kayak gini, nanti paling jadi beneran.

Kebetulan aja kita lagi deket gara-gara syuting sinetron. Nggak-nggak betul itu, siapa bilang kami sudah nikah.
Kalo aja elu petugas KUA di Kampung Bojongsoang ...

Iya nih lagi rada ndut aja ... Nggak kemaren ke klinik kandungan itu nganterin sepupu gue aja kok.
Yah paling tiga bulan lagi keluar.

Silahkan kalo pihak dia ngancem mo tes DNA. Saya sih siap-siap aja.
Kayaknya kemaren gue udah di tes DNA dan kuping gw sih kata dokternya gak masalah sama sekali.

Yah, pertengkaran-pertengkaran kecil kayak gitu 'kan biasa dalam rumah tangga ...
... di rumah tangga orang lain. Kalo di rumah kami sih yang biasa itu ngebanting-banting piring sama gelas lagi atau teriakan-teriakan "gue talak satu luh".

Oh nggak, kami sama sekali nggak pisah ranjang kok.
Nggak cuma pisah ranjang, wong udah pisah rumah sekalian.

Kata siapa kami sudah cerai? Kami baik-baik aja, kok.
Kalo saja elu tuh petugas pengadilan agama Kampung Pasar, Ciptagumati ...

Ya, saya sih berharap, setelah perceraian ini dia bisa menemukan pengganti saya
Apalagi saya sudah menemukan penggantinya jauh sebelum proses perceraian ini.


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